Geometria 2: After Dürer with a Truncated Rhombohedron, Marble Sphere and a Parrot Wing
Geometria 3: Marble Sphere with a Brimstone Butterfly and a Lemon
Geometria 4: Tortoiseshell Butterfly with an Asiatic Lily and Miss Wilmott’s Ghost
Geometria 5: After Cotàn with Tatesuna, Pear and Cucumber
Geometria 6: Holly Cone with Two Argonaut Shells
Geometria 7: For Luca Pacioli, with a Sundial Shell (Architectonica Perspectiva) and a Dodecahedron
Geometria 8: Oriental Lily with a Glass Pentahedron
Geometria 9: Tiger Moth (Amastus Aconia) with a Selenite Sphere
Geometria 10: Golden Eagle Egg on a Stone Niche
Geometria 11: Turk’s Cap Lily with a Burgundy Beetle (Fornasius Russus) and a Platonic Solids Set
Geometria 12: Asiatic Lily and Owl Moth
Geometria 13: Magnolia Blooms
Geometria 14: Conus Marmorealis with I-hada Brass Rhombic
Geometria 15: Venus Comb Shell (Murex Pecten) with Marble Tetradecahedron
Geometria 16: Madagascan Ammonite with Turitella Shell on a Hexagonal Sandstone Plinth
Geometria 17: Protea Flower on a Limestone Ionic Column
three covid posies
these flowers were collected on lockdown walks
In the seventeenth century people believed that the plague was transmitted through the air. They held sweetly-scented posies of flowers to their noses to purify this ‘miasma’.
These posies were beautiful and futile.